Private Lesson Prices

Please read below for prices and how to request a private lesson

Performance Coach Private Lesson Pricing

30min - $66 (Member $59.40) 45min - $92 (Member $82.80) 60min - $115 (Member $103.50)

Assistant Coach Private Lesson Pricing

30min - $45 (Member $40.50) 45min - $62 (Member $55.80) 60min - $78 (Member $70.20)

To request a private lesson, please contact

Fee Charges / Credits / Accounts for Privates

Direct Debit Only 

Private lessons charges are separate to squad charges, private lessons are charged every night from the payment method on the players file. 

An email receipt will be sent once the payment has been processed.

Private lessons are only charged after the completion of the lesson. We  DO NOT charge prior to the lesson. 


Jason has a 45min private lesson on Tuesday 29/01, he is a premium member. He will be charged $71.55 on the 29/01. 

If it were to rain on the 29/01 and Jason’s lesson had to be cancelled prior to commencing, there would be no charge on that day.

A receipt for the private lesson charge will be emailed once the payment has been processed.

Due to the above there ARE NO CREDITS OR MAKE UPS for PRIVATE LESSONS as you will NOT be charged for lessons that are cancelled due to rain

Late cancel

If you cancel your lesson with less than 24hours notice, there will be a charge of 50% of the lesson value. This will help to cover the cost of the coach’s time.

To request a private lesson, please contact

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